For the convenience and service of all those who wish to buy from the online store of our company, has the following payment methods:
• Credit or debit card. The card is charged on the day of the start of the shipping process, except for products that are manufactured according to consumer specifications or are clearly personalized, for which the credit & debit card is charged immediately after confirmation of your order . The online store has taken all the necessary measures for the security of your transactions through your credit & debit card and all credit & debit card holders are subject to validity checks. You are also given the option of paying in interest-free installments based on the current commercial policy, for purchases in our stores in Athens (excluding the stores in Aegaleo and Patisia), Thessaloniki, Patras, Corinth and Veria and for online purchases through the e-shop.
Specifically :
• For purchases from €251.00 to €400.99, possibility for 2 to 6 interest-free installments
• For purchases from €401.00 to €700.99, possibility for 2 to 12 interest-free installments
• For purchases from €701.00 up to €1,000.99, possibility for 2 to 18 interest-free installments
• For purchases over €1,001.00, possibility for 2 to 36 interest-free installments
The installments are calculated based on the total value of the products to be purchased.
By choosing the specific payment method, you will be transferred to the secure transaction environment of the cooperating company that has undertaken the routing of the cards, where you will be asked for all your card details.
• It is important to provide a contact telephone number and a valid e-mail address
• In case your credit card is not approved by your bank, the company reserves the right to cancel your order.
• In case of payment by credit card, the holder of the credit card or a person specially authorized by him is required to be present when the products are delivered.
• Deposit to a bank account in one of the following accounts:
Account Number: 5034-029557-853
IBAN: GR0501720340005034029557853
Account Number: 142002320000147
IBAN: GR52 0140 1420 1420 0232 0000 147
Account Number: 0026.0108.73.0200031727
IBAN: GR 5502601080000730200031727
Account Number: 14547013053
IBAN: GR 0401101450000014547013053.
Your order will be on hold and will be processed when we confirm that the amount has been deposited. To facilitate the process, please send us a copy of the deposit in which you must have stated your order number and name, to the email address If you can not send us the receipt, please send us an e-mail with the date of deposit, deposit bank, deposit number, order number, your name and a contact phone number to the above email address. In case of no deposit within 2 days your order will be canceled.
• Via the secure online payment service of PayPal. The prices listed on include VAT. 24%